My name is Liz Haley and I began Simple Sites Web Design in 2007 in response to Prince George businesses that wanted a simple, yet effective web presence. I have had a marvellous time working with clients, many of whom have become good friends.
I am retiring as of May 1, 2024 and transferring my business and clients to Lesa Cauchie of Cachet Design Studio. I first met Lesa over 17 years ago when she took over my position as Web Design Manager at ABC Communications. I honestly can’t imagine a more competent person to take over my business, especially since she and I share a similar work ethic. Lesa not only has a wealth of graphic and marketing skills, but she is also able to create WordPress websites for you, the kind of website that you can easily update yourself, from anywhere, at anytime. Please contact Lesa at 250-640-3114 or design@cachetdesignstudio.ca
A list of recently completed websites is below. Mobile Friendly websites have been identified below with this icon: . You can read more detail on many of these websites on the Portfolio page.
- Accommodations
- Birch Bay Resort
- Canadian Country Cabins
- Harrison Hot Springs Marina
- Ridgeview Gardens Bed & Breakfast
- Sunny Slope Bed & Breakfast - Cluculz Lake
- Artists
- Sandra Nahornoff Wildlife Artist
- Community Groups
- District 27 Al-Anon Family Groups
- PG Alateen

- Professional Services
- Charis Counselling Services
- Gateway Accounting Services
- House To Home Design
- Norcan Consulting
- PG Firearms Course (PAL/RPAL)
- Rubus Woodworks
- Retail
- Lamacoid Plates
- Travel / Adventure
- Kermodei Adventures - Jet Boat Tours